External Audit/Statutory Audit/Annual Audit
An independent opinion is given through the examination of the financial statements prepared by the organization. HFC does external audit of various industries including Bank, Financial Institutions, NGOs, Government Audits sand Private and Public Limited Companies of different sectors.
Compliance Audit
Examination of the events of the company is undertaken to verify the compliance with the requirements of various regulatory authorities.
Specialized Audit
A range of services are provided to examine any specialized sector of the business to generate a report in line with client’s specialised requirements stating the compliance with required standards, rules and regulations.
Internal Audit
An independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value to improve an organization’s operations.
Assurance Services
These are independent professional service that can improve the quality or context of information for the decision makers. It can include a review of any financial document or transaction, such as a loan, contract, or financial website. This review certifies the correctness and validity of the item being reviewed.